Contribute to Our Parks

Indiana County Parks & Trails – Park Legacy Fund

Please note that we no longer offer a memorial bench or tree program at our parks and trails.
Many groups and individuals have expressed an interest in contributing financially to the county parks and trail system.

In cooperation with The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies the Park Legacy Fund was established to accept contributions (download and print a contribution form) to improve and enhance our county parks and trails for future generations.

Contributions to the fund can be earmarked to support our parks, trails, historic sites, natural areas, and covered bridges.

Donations to the fund are an excellent way to honor someone close to you or to celebrate a special occasion such as the birth of a child, wedding anniversary, graduation or special achievement. Contributions to the fund are also a good way to show your support of one of Pennsylvania’s most diverse and progressive park and trail systems.

Donations to the fund are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Donor’s contributions are recognized and an appropriate acknowledgement card is sent to the recipient of the donor’s choice.

Checks or credit card contributions to the fund may be sent to:
The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies
216 Franklin Street
Suite 400
Johnstown, PA 15901

Download Form for Contributions to Indiana County Parks & Trails Legacy Fund at Community Foundation for the Alleghenies.

Indiana County Parks & Trails is recognized for the beauty of its 2,700 acres of parks and trails which are enjoyed by thousands of visitors each year. Donations to the Park Legacy Fund help enhance and support these special places for everyone.

To learn more about The Community Foundation for the Alleghenies visit:

For more information, contact the parks office. We would be happy to assist you.