Pine Ridge Park
Pine Ridge Park
93 photos
Northern Red Salamander
Northern Red Salamander
April 3, 2024 Flood
April 3, 2024 Flood
Disc Golf Course
Pine Ridge Park has a nine hole disc golf course.
Pine Lodge
Pine Lodge
New Pine Lodge Flooring - 2023
New Pine Lodge Flooring - 2023
New Pine Lodge Flooring - 2023
New Pine Lodge Flooring - 2023
New Pine Lodge Flooring - 2023
New Pine Lodge Flooring - 2023
New Pine Lodge Flooring - 2023
New Pine Lodge Flooring - 2023
Pine Lodge Kitchen
Comes with electric stove, microwave, and full size fridge.
Pine Lodge Kitchen
Pine Lodge Kitchen
Toms Run
A fall rain has filled Tom's Run to capacity. 10.21.16
Inpterpreting Tom's Run Stream Projectct
Inpterpreting Tom's Run Stream Projectct
Indian Cucumber
The leaves and roots of the Cucumber Plant plant have a cucumber-like taste. It is found in moist areas at Pine Ridge Park.
Springtime on Toms Run
Springtime on Toms Run
Pine Ridge Park Overview
Pine Ridge Park Overview
Winter Waterfall on Tom's Run
Winter Waterfall on Tom's Run
April 3, 2024 Flood
April 3, 2024 Flood
Morning on Toms Run - Pine Ridge Park
Morning on Toms Run - Pine Ridge Park
Corn Hol Court at Pine Ridge Park
Corn Hol Court at Pine Ridge Park
Pine Ridge Park - Tom's Run
Pine Ridge Park - Tom's Run
Long-tailed Salamander
Long-tailed Salamander
Black Rat Snake
Black Rat Snakes are the largest snakes in PA, reaching lengths of over 7 feet. They are excellent tree climbers as one of our park employees saw one day while mowing grass and looking up in a nearby tree. They are non-venomous, will not harm humans and are good to have around to eliminate mice and other pests.
Road Improvements
In May 2022 the rods at Pine Ridge Park were given a new seal coating by the crew from Quaker Sales.
Pine Lodge Kitchen Renovations 2019
Pine Lodge Kitchen Renovations 2019
Pine Lodge Kitchen
Pine Lodge Kitchen
Pine Ridge Park Playground
Pine Ridge Park Playground
Pine Ridge Park Pavilion #1
Pine Ridge Park Pavilion #1
Pine Ridge Park Pavilion #2
Pine Ridge Park Pavilion #2
Pine Ridge Park Pavilion #1
Pine Ridge Park Pavilion #1
Canada Mayflower
Canada Mayflower
Pine Lodge
Pine Lodge
Pine Lodge had a two-acre pond that adds to the peaceful setting of the park.
Four-toed Salamander
Female four-toed salamanders will guard their eggs while they wait for them hatch. Their preferred habitat is a wetlands area with sphagnum moss. They are a species of special concern in Pennsylvania due to their specific habitat requirements and scattered range throughout the state.
Our Hidden Cemetery
Pine Ridge Park contains a small cemetery plot that date from the early 1800s. This is most likely a family plot for a farm that once existed here.
Pine Lodge - February 14, 2017
Pine Lodge - February 14, 2017
South Branch of Tom's Run
The South Branch of Tom's Run flows through Pine Ridge Park and joins the main branch near the Chestnut Ridge Golf Course. We recently acquired some additional property at the park which will provide added protection to this branch of the stream.
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