Ghost Town Trail
Ghost Town Trail
256 photos
No One Knows
No one knows who painted this mural at the trail.
Ghost Town Trail 2023 Fall Scene
A scenic view of the North Branch pf Blacklick Creek along the Rexis Branch of the Ghost Town Trail.
The Magic of Fall
Fall on the Ghost Town Trail is about as good as it gets. Fall colors and vibrant sunshine make this a prime time to be out on the trail.
Restoring the Miner's Memorial
The unique miner's memorial along the trail in Vintondale was restored in 2022. The image of miners coming out of portal 6 was cleaned and is now visible once again.
Fall Scene on the Ghost Town Trail
Fall Scene on the Ghost Town Trail
New Box Culvert on C&I Extension
The CCC&RA added a new box culvert and 6/10 of a mile of trail to the C&I Extension in November 2024.
Scott Glen Cut
Scott Glen Cut
Blacklick Creek Near Heshbon
Blacklick Creek Near Heshbon
Artifical Wetlands at Wehrum Mine Water Treatment Plant
Artifical Wetlands at Wehrum Mine Water Treatment Plant
Scott Glen Bridge Marker
Scott Glen Bridge Marker
Practice Trail Safety
Two walkers on the GTT are shown practicing good trail safety during hunting season. Portions of the trail pass through state game lands and it is always recommended to wear highly visible clothing and vests.
Mountain Laurel Blooming
Mountain Laurel Blooming
Rexis Branch Streambank Restoration
Rexis Branch Streambank Restoration
Bridge Foundation and Large White Pine
Bridge Foundation and Large White Pine
Dutchman's Breeches
Found along the trail, look for the white 'pantaloons' from which the Dutchman's Breeches derives its name.
Bike Parking
Bike Parking
New Trail Mileage Added to GTT
Cambria County is in the process of completing the installation of three more miles to the Ghost Town Trail. This segment is located from the Nanty Glo Borough line heading eastward along Buela Road. Completion of the segment will take place in Spring 2023.
Improving Blacklick Creek Water Quality
The Blacklick Creek Mine Water Treatment plant is now under construction near Vintondale. When operational by 2025 the plant will clean mine water from three mines and restore 23 miles of the creek. Photo taken November 4, 2022.
The Old Swimming Hole
The Old Swimming Hole
Blacklick Creek at Heshbon
The yellow bridge on Route 259 appears in this winter scene taken just downstream of Heshbon on the Ghost Town Trail.
Scott Glen Cut
Scott Glen Cut
Vintondale's Historical Marker
Vintondale's Historical Marker
C&I Extension at Vic Miller Road
C&I Extension at Vic Miller Road
Streambank Repair - April 2023
Cambria County completed a repair to the stream ban on the North Branch of Blacklick Creek on April 3, 203. The creek was eroding the stream bank and threatened the trail in this area. The project was performed by a contractor working with the U.S. Fish and wildlife Service. The photo shows the work in progress.
Mine #6 Miner's Mural - Vintondale, PA
Mine #6 Miner's Mural - Vintondale, PA
Scott Glen Cut - June 2023
Scott Glen Cut - June 2023
Buena Vista Furnace in Snow
Buena Vista Furnace in Snow
Warren Delano III - Founder of Vintondale
In 1892 Warren Delano III established the Blacklick Land improvement Company which was created to purchase the coal lands in Vintondlae and the surrounding area. When he visited Vintondale he often came in his own private rail car on the PA Railroad line. He was the uncle of President Theodore Roosevelt.
Interpreting the Ghost Towns
You will find these interpretive signs near the former town of Wehrum on the Ghost TOwn Trail.
Ebensburg Underpass
Ebensburg Underpass
South Branch - Blacklick Creek
South Branch - Blacklick Creek
View from the Bony Pile in Vintondale
This large bony pile in Vintondale where this photo was taken from is being removed as of March 2022. The coal that remains in the pile will be processed and used at a local cogeneration power plant.
Twin Rocks Cut on the Ghost Town Trail
Twin Rocks Cut on the Ghost Town Trail
North Branch of Blacklick Creek along the GTT
North Branch of Blacklick Creek along the GTT
Nanty Glo Halloween Decorations
Nanty Glo Halloween Decorations
Dilltown Reststop at the Ghost Town Trail
Dilltown Reststop at the Ghost Town Trail
Cardinal Flowers Blooming
By late July Cardinal Flowers are in full bloom along the Ghost Town Trail. They prefer wet habitats along the edges of streams and ponds.
North Cambria Fuel Tipple
North Cambria Fuel Tipple
Railroad Marker at Ghost Town Trail
Mileage markers on the trail indicate the mileage from Crrsson, PA.
Claghorn Bridge Scene - March 30, 2022
Claghorn Bridge Scene - March 30, 2022
Trout Fishing in Vintondale PA
Trout Fishing in Vintondale PA
Lesser Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs
Biking Through Vintondale
Biking Through Vintondale
Scott Glen Marker
Scott Glen was one of the gohst towns found aling the Ghost TOwn Trail. This marker to commemorate the town is located near the Scott Glen Bridge on the trail.
Vintondale's Jail Cell
At the Vintondale trail head there is a large metal cage that once served as a jail cell in the borough building.
Catch and Relase Fishing
This map at the Vintondale rail head depicts the postion of the South Branch of Blacklick Creek that is open for catch and release fishing. Please support the Vintondale Trout Club's effort to stock the stream bu purchasing a trout badge.
Shelter from the Storm
This pavilion is located on the stretch of the trail between Route 271 and Snake Road on the C&I Extension.
Fall Scene Near Heshbon
SGL stands for State Gamelands.
A Shirt Free Day
Ebensburg is located at the highest elevation on the Ghost Town Trail. At slightly more than 2,000 feet elevation, the town is known for colder temperatures and higher snowfall totals than other nearby areas. But on a near 80 degree in May the shirts come off.
South Branch of Blacklick Creek
Once seriously polluted the South Branch of Blacklick Creek now supports trout and other aquatic life in its remarkable transformation.
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