Blacklick Valley Natural Area
General Info
The Blacklick Valley Natural Area and the nearby Buttermilk Falls Natural Area are the first formally established natural areas in the county park system. These areas are in direct support of the mission of the county park system that includes, “preserving, protecting, and enhancing county lands to improve the health of our people and the environmental health of the county,” so hunting, camping and motorized vehicles are not permitted in BVNA. For more information, check out our extensive interpretive guide.
Activities and Accommodations
A More Natural Experience
Natural areas are set aside to protect both typical and unique plant and animal communities and to protect outstanding examples of natural interest and beauty. Facility development at the site has been minimized to protect the site’s natural character.
Hiking & Skiing
The natural area has three tracts. The Parker Tract, located south of Blacklick Creek, encompasses 300 acres. A small parking area and six miles of hiking and cross-country skiing trails have been established and a map is available as a PDF. The Caldwell and Clarke Run Tracts form a contiguous 413 acre parcel, and lie north of Blacklick Creek. These northern tracts are undeveloped and do not contain established hiking trails. The Ghost Town Trail bisects the property about one-half mile east of Dilltown.